TGR Board
Mar 8, 2024
Notice: Sealing TGR Roads
TGR Property Owners,
We have received advanced notice that the County will begin the sealing process on the following roads this weekend:
Sundog Road
Texas Grand
Grand View
Remington Road
The above roads were chipped in late 2023 with a new process that is supposed to help avoid pot holes and road deterioration. The final step of a seal coat will now be applied. This will begin Saturday, March 10th at 7:30am - through Tuesday, March 12th, 2024. According to the county, the County will close half the street for up to 60 minutes to apply the seal and let it dry. Then they will do the other half of the road.
As the Board shared last night at the Open Board Meeting, the residents should not drive on the black seal coat until the County opens the road. If the coating gets on your car, the County says it will come off but they are not responsible to remove any coating spray.
Sincerely ,
TGR Board