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NOTICE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

TGR Board of Directors

May 15, 2024

You are invited to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors of the I Texas Grand Ranch Property

Owners Association that will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The Board meeting

will be held at the Sierra Model Home located at 107 Dedication Trail, Huntsville, Texas 77340.

You can also join the meeting virtually through Zoom at:

Meeting ID: 849 6279 7174

Passcode: 977398

Call in number: (386) 347-5053


  1. 6:00 p.m. - Call Open Session to Order

  2. Introductions

    1. Board Members Present and Absent

    2. Management Company Representative

    3. Attorney

  3. Approval of Previous Board Meeting Minutes

  4. Announcement of Actions Taken by The Board Between Meetings

    1. Purchased four (4) ceiling fans for installation at Dedication Park $2,034.00

    2. Engaged Axis Construction for the installation of fans at Dedication Park $4,275.00

    3. Extended H-Hour Consulting contract through 3/2025 on an as needed basis.

  5. Business

    1. President’s Report

    2. Vice President’s Report

    3. Secretary’s Report

    4. Treasurer’s Report

    5. Management Company Report

    6. The Board will address outstanding items from the April Board meeting.

    7. The Board will consider and vote on adopting a revised fine/enforcement policy.

    8. The Board will consider and vote on an accessory building white roof variance.

    9. The Board will update status of gate at Ball Road/Campbell Ranch.

    10. The Board will update multiple items regarding Walker County.

  6. Committee Updates

    1. Architectural Review

    2. Social Committee

    3. Communications Committee

  7. Volunteer Recognition

  8. Open Forum

    1. If you have a question(s) for the Board Meeting, please submit your question by email to

      Community Manager Courtney Duncan at or by

      mail/delivery to Courtney Duncan c/o IMC Management, 3500 W. Davis St., #190, Conroe,

      TX 77304 on or before Friday, May 17, 2024, at 12:00 pm. The Board will also take owner

      questions at the meeting. Any questions that pertain to a specific property owner or that the

      Board believes should be treated as confidential will not be answered during the Board

      meeting and individual responses will be directed to those owners.

  9. Date of Next Meeting

  10. Adjourn into Closed Executive Session – The Board will consider actions involving

    personnel, pending, or threatened litigation, contract negotiations, enforcement actions,

    confidential communications with the Association’s attorney, matters involving the invasion

    of privacy of individual owners, or matters that are to remain confidential by request of the

    affected parties and agreement of the Board.

  11. Reconvene Into Open Session

    1. The Board will consider and vote on referring owners who have violated or are

      violating the Association’s governing documents over to the Association’s attorney to

      seek compliance with the governing documents through lawsuit if necessary.

    2. The Board will consider and vote on referring owners who are delinquent in the

      payment of assessments or other charges to the Association over to the attorney to

      collect such past due amounts through lawsuit and foreclosure if necessary.

    3. The Board will consider and vote on levying fines on owners who have violated or

      are violating the Association’s governing documents.

    4. Decisions, if any, made in Executive Session will be summarized orally and an entry will be placed in the Board meeting minutes in general terms. The oral summary will include a general

      explanation of expenditures approved, if any.


If you have not registered your email address with the Association, you are encouraged to do so as

soon as possible so that you receive all the Association news and notices.

Please contact Community Manager Courtney Duncan at (936) 756-0032 or by email at if you have any questions.

We look forward to your attendance!


Board of Directors

I Texas Grand Ranch Property Owners Association


Texas Grand Ranch is a community located in the beautiful Sam Houston National Forest and next to Huntsville State Park. Our website is designed to keep property owners informed about community events, Board projects, POA rules, and more.


Goodwin: (713) 405-3994


9301 State Highway 75S, New Waverly, TX 77358 Box 1428




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