TGR Board
Sep 14, 2023
Submit your candidacy for the board!
This is Notice of a call for candidates for the Board of Directors of Texas Grand Ranch Property Owners Association, for the terms beginning December 12, 2023. Persons interested in running for the Board should submit an “Announcement of Candidacy” in the format template on the form attached to this Notice.
The election of Directors will be conducted by electronic voting and counted by IMC Management Company at the time and place of which the candidates will be notified, which is expected to be approximately November 1, 2023. The successful candidates will be introduced at the Annual Meeting of the Members which is scheduled to take place on December 12, 2023.
There will be 7 Board member openings as the terms of all of the current Directors will expire following the Annual Meeting of the Members. Some incumbent Directors may choose to run for re-election.
The four candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to two-year terms and the next three highest number of votes will be elected to one-year terms.
A Board Member should expect to devote at least 4-6 hours per week to general matters of the Association, including responding to email correspondence, text messaging and telephone calls. Other additional time will be required depending upon whether a Director is also elected as an Officer, and/or undertakes an area of responsibility. Further there will be at least one Director Workshop meeting per month commencing in the late afternoon and lasting 2 to 4 hours. In addition, there will be quarterly Open Board Meetings of about 2 hours duration.
The Board Member should also be willing to become the primary Director of at least one subject area of responsibility, such as infrastructure, ARC, communications, legal, and website. This will require further commitments of time.
By announcing his or her candidacy a candidate is agreeing to these time commitments and if elected will assume all fiduciary and other responsibilities of a Board Member.
The newly elected Board will elect its own Officers at the first meeting of the new Board.
The timeline and procedure for the election of the Board is as follows:
October 1, 2023. The DEADLINE for submission of an Announcement of Candidacy which must be in the format of the template included with this Notice.
October 10, 2023. Publication of Candidates and Open Electronic Voting Begins
October 14, 2023. First “Meet and Greet” (Dedication Park)
October 21, 2023. Second “Meet and Greet” (Lonestar Park)
November 1, 2023. Electronic Voting Ends.
November 1, 2023 (Approximately).
Ballots will be tabulated.
December 12, 2023.
New Board Announced and is installed. All those desiring to announce their candidacy should complete the attached form and return it to:
TEXAS GRAND RANCH POA c/o Investment Management Company
3500 W. Davis Suite #190
Conroe, TX. 77304
Attn: Announcement of Candidacy.