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Welcome to our FAQs page! We know how hard it can be to find the answers to your questions, especially when you’re trying to figure out where to start. Our goal is to make this process easier by providing you answers to the most typical questions.

We’ve compiled a list of the commonly asked questions so you can quickly and easily find the answers you need. This page is constantly being updated to ensure you have access to the most updated information.

  • What is TownSq? How do I log in?
    TownSq is the tool used by Goodwin to provide TGR property management services (finances, deed restrictions, etc.) to property owners. The TownSq website is where you will pay your annual dues, submit ARC requests for builds, read through CCRs, etc. Click here to access TownSq. If you haven't registered your property in TownSq, please contact Community Manager Erik Feller at (713) 405-3994 or by email at for assistance. Check your phone's app store for the TownSq application.
  • How do I update my information in TownSq?
    Submit a request via TownSq to have your information updated. If you have not registered your email address with the Association, you are encouraged to do so as soon as possible so that you receive all the Association news and notices. Please contact Community Manager Erik Feller at (713) 405-3994 or by email at if you have any questions.
  • How do I pay my annual dues?
    These are due annually and you can pay either online via TownSq (Goodwin) or via mail. Click here to access your TownSq home page. In the upper right-hand corner, click on your name and select the accounts link to view payment status and options.
  • How can I get more involved?
    Check out our Get Involved page to see what our community members and property owners are involved in and how you can join.
  • Who do I reach out to if I am having a non emergency but need support ASAP?
    If you have a non-emergency but need support urgently, you can reach out to the TGR Facebook page for help. However, for emergency help, call 911!
  • Speeding is a problem in TGR. What can we do about it?
    If you see speeding in TGR, please reach out directly to the Sheriff: (936) 435-2400
  • Why aren't we a gated community?
    Moving TGR to a gated community would involve substantial costs for all property owners. All property owners would shoulder the entire cost of road maintenance, additional security, gate maintenance, etc. which would increase annual dues.
  • Are there plans to add recreation assets such as a community pool, tennis courts, etc.?
    In order to keep our dues low, there are no current plans to add a community pool, tennis courts, etc.
  • When will the next “Owner Appreciation Party” be held?
    There are no plans to duplicate Patten's (the TGR developer's) efforts; however, residents could vote to allocate their dues to such events.
  • How do we get pot holes repaired?
    To report any problems, please contact Community Manager Erik Feller at (713) 405-3994 or by email at
  • My street light is out, what do I need to do? Why does my section not have street lights?
    Any sections that currently have street lights are within Huntsville's jurisdiction and are a requirement to be maintained by the county. To report any problems, please contact Community Manager Erik Feller at (713) 405-3994 or by email at
  • A street sign is down or missing who should I tell?
    To report any problems, please contact Community Manager Erik Feller at (713) 405-3994 or by email at
  • Who owns the roads in TGR? Why is the quality of the roads vary in the different sections?
    The county currently owns responsibility for the roads in Texas Grand Ranch with the exception of the roads in section 15. These have not been accepted by the county at this time. TGR has two types of roads, Sections 1 thru 4 are chip and seal and were built to county standard at the time. When the community extended with sections 5-15 they were built to an updated county standard of asphalt.
  • We seem to be a significant financial contributor to Walker County. How do we get our value in support?
    The POA Board is working with the County Commissioners and the Commissioners Court to establish a relationship that will allow us to address our contribution to the county and help them plan for the expanded growth.
  • I hear the National Forest sometimes starts fires that create a lot of smoke. Why do they do this? Do they let us know when they are going to do this?
    The fires are set as a "prescribed burn". This allows the Forest Service to manage the underbrush to lessen the fire danger. We are alerted when this is going to occur and notices go out through IMC, Facebook, or now this website. While they can preplan prescribed burns, the actual burn is not decided until the morning of the burn as many factors must be considered (wind direction and speed, weather conditions, etc.).
  • What are my options for garbage service?
    You have 1 options for garbage service in TGR with 2 pick up days*: Live Oak Environmental (936)-876-5640: , Monday or Thursday pickup *Updated April 2024
  • What are my options for internet providers?
    ATT is the only major fiber network that is established in all of TGR. However, if you live in a section that is aligned to Midsouth - you may be able to get fiber through Midsouth directly. Additionally, residents have mentioned they have set up satellite internet (example: Starlink, Optimum, etc.) when available. ATT Instructions: (Note - this can only be set up once you move in and establish a 911 address.) Go to or call ATT Huntsville Location: (936) 291-3000 Schedule an appointment to get a temp line and internet installed ATT will schedule a time to officially bury the fiber line
  • What are water options in TGR?
    Depending on your lot location, you will have either Huntsville Water or Quadvest. Huntsville Water: (936) 291-5431 Quadvest Water: (281) 356-5347
  • What are the electric companies that are available in TGR?
    Depending on your lot location, you will have Entergy or Midsouth Electric for your energy needs. Entergy: (800) 368-3749 MidSouth Electric Co-op: (936) 825-5100
  • I’m new to the home building process.  Is there a good summary of learnings from existing homeowners? 
    We do not have a property owner's lessons learned or good practices that can be shared at this time. However, the ARC is currently putting together FAQ’s and common mistakes made by builders - which will be coming out sometime in the future. We highly recommend that property owners read and thoroughly understanding the current CCR's and SBR’s. As it is your responsibility to know the governing documents as they are related to building requirements. Do not assume that your builder has in-depth knowledge of these requirements. If there are any violations, you are the one held responsible. Please feel free to reach out to the ARC with any questions you might have related to your future build:
  • Where do I find all these “rules” about what I can and can’t do with my property?
    Check out our Resources Page or the Document section on the TownSq website to see our current rules and regulations for Texas Grand Ranch.
  • Who is responsible for ensuring new home builds follow the rules during construction?  (Example: loud music, workers throwing trash in ditches, etc.)  What should I do if I see a problem?
    Please reach out directly to the ARC committee if you see any issues or concerns.
  • The ARC denied my request.  I drive around the neighborhood and see that others have been allowed to do it.  How can verify the process is applied the same to everyone?
    You should have received a denial reason with your application. If you feel this was incorrect or in error, the ARC will be more than happy to sit down with you, your architect, or your builder to discuss any concerns, or changes you’d like to make to your new build application. Feel free to reach out to Additional info: The ARC is making extra efforts to be consistent and thorough, and most of all, follow the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCR) and Site Building Requirements (SBR) as they are written. However, as you may have noticed, early in TGR's history, there was less consistency to the CCR's and SBR’s. Additionally, we continue to make accommodations for lot topography, and other property exceptions, when necessary. This is in an effort to help property owners attain their dream home, when feasible.
  • Who is responsible for deed restriction violations?  If I see a problem should I report it and to whom should I report it?
    To report any C&CR violations, please contact Community Manager Erik Feller at (713) 405-3994 or by email at
  • Why can’t I have a well on my property? Even if it's just for watering my yard and plants?
    Wells as a whole are not permitted within Texas Grand Ranch. This was an agreement put in place with the developer and the different water companies that service TGR. This is done in preservation of the water supply that services this community.


Texas Grand Ranch is a community located in the beautiful Sam Houston National Forest and next to Huntsville State Park. Our website is designed to keep property owners informed about community events, Board projects, POA rules, and more.


Goodwin: (713) 405-3994

9301 State Highway 75S, New Waverly, TX 77358 Box 1428


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